Subsystem: Technology Item
Technology items are specific technology systems within a technology domain that a person uses to carry out their work within a capability. A person may only use a small part of a technology system to carry out their part of a capability.
These technology systems are designed physical systems that are usable in the context of a capability.
The technology items generally have the following associated items:
- Any technology items: Laptop, Applications, tools, etc.
- User guides or instruction manuals
- In the case of in development items, instructions for development or change
- Technology Interaction Point documentation that shows where in a process activity the technology item is to be used
The following principles apply to technology items within an capability:
- People use tools / technology to improve their productivity carrying out activities.
- People use tools / technology to help reduce errors or mistakes when carrying out activities.
- Tools may have other tools as components or dependencies.
- Technology is wider than Information Technology (e.g. transportation, semiconductor, food preparation, etc)
- Technology Interaction Points provide the necessary integration of development teams and Use Cases. This also helps address human factor design related issues.
- Technology may also be used as part of new product development stages. This involves the use of technology to create prototypes or released products.
Relationships and interactions to other essential elements of the Organization