Subsystem: Plan

The plan system element is part of the System: Organization The following picture highlights the key elements of a plan.

Plan as a System Element:  Items in a Plan

The following picture highlights the key elements of the plan.

The key elements of the plans are the purpose, vision, values and the contribution including the objectives, goals and strategies. A key element of the planning is the Operating Model. This is highlighted in the following picture:

Purpose of a Team, Means and Ends and Plan

This plan establishes the direction and intention of the Organization. The elements in the plan provide guidance and structure for all of the other plans created within the Organization.

These plans also support the Planning System

Principles: Plans

The following principles apply to plans:

  • The planning Activities of a Manager establishes team management plans using the Team Performance Management process design pattern.
  • Every organization has or is part of an operating model. The planning process develops (as part of organization design) the operating model.
  • Strategic Planning helps to shape the operating model.
  • Individual team member objectives are set using the Develop People aligned with the team objectives.
  • Plans include all of the elements necessary for the success of the team and contribution to the Integrated Management System
  • Plans include 'doing' and 'improving' objectives and strategies and budgets (Dual Nature of Work).
  • Team Plans and Planning are calendar driven
  • Plans have appropriate feedback (measurement / monitoring) cycles for the type of plan.
  • Plans can change; however, using a change control process to track / learn from the original planning process.

See Activities of a Manager

Relationships and interactions to other essential elements of the Organization