Subsystem: People

People are part of a network of communications that is formed within an Organization. A Person is a member of the collection of People within the organization or social system.

Each person is a unique living system that contributes to the realization of capabilities and achievement of the overall objectives of the organization. The following model shows a Person and their fit within the Organization.

Person taking on a Job / Role in an Enterprise

Principles: People

These principles apply collectively to people and individually to a person within the organisation.

  • A person takes responsibility for their unique contribution to the purpose of the organization.
  • Each person is responsible for doing work and improving the work (Dual Nature of Work).
  • A person's strengths should be understood and utilized.
  • People should be encouraged to develop strengths in other areas.
  • People contribute using their skills, knowledge, experience, attitudes and behaviours
  • Job, Role and Skill descriptions identify the specific items that people contribute.
  • Roles are related to the activities / decisions identified in process descriptions.
  • The 'Developing People' Activities of a Manager focuses on improving an individual's skills, knowledge, experience, attitudes and behaviours. See Develop People

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